Adapting Victoria’s infrastructure to climate change

In this webinar we discuss the findings and recommendations of our latest research, Weathering the storm: adapting Victoria's infrastructure to climate change.
Most of Victoria’s infrastructure, like roads and powerlines, is not built for more frequent and severe weather. This means infrastructure is exposed to greater damage from wild storms, bushfires and floods.
Our research makes 7 recommendations to the Victorian Government to better embed adaptation action across departments and agencies.
Governments have many options to better adapt infrastructure to climate change. Our research shows how to better assess these options. It gives governments the tools to help them make decisions about how and where to invest to make the most difference.
- Dr Jonathan Spear, CEO Infrastructure Victoria
- Llewellyn Reynders, Director, Research and Economics
- Caroline Evans, Principal Policy Officer, Research and Economics
- Topics
- Type
- Webinar
- Published
- 2024