Driving down emissions: accelerating Victoria’s zero emissions vehicle uptake

Eastern fwy traffic with train on overhead bridge

Key findings to inform Victoria’s infrastructure strategy 2021-2051

In this report, we look at the best ways to accelerate the uptake of low and zero-emission vehicles. We share our research findings and community panel outcomes.

In Victoria, cars are responsible for over half of the state’s transport emissions. Transport is the state’s second biggest contributor to greenhouse gases and transport emissions are increasing, while emissions are declining in most other sectors.

We look at what it will take to encourage more Victorians to change from petrol and diesel vehicles to low and zero-emission vehicles.

More than 200 people from Victoria took part in a month-long virtual workshop series to answer the question of: 'How should the Victorian Government support more people to adopt low or zero-emissions vehicles sooner?' It was the largest online deliberative engagement of its kind in Victoria.

Their insights and global evidence point to clear actions for the Victorian Government, now and in the future.

Key findings

  • To achieve the Victorian Government's target of zero emissions by 2050, we need to lower vehicle emissions.
  • A battery electric vehicle produces 20% fewer emissions than a petrol vehicle. This includes manufacturing, operation, and disposal. The benefits of battery electric vehicles will grow as Victoria’s grid becomes cleaner.
  • Australia lags the world in zero emissions vehicle uptake.
  • People don’t buy zero emissions vehicles because of upfront cost. They are also concerned about access to vehicle charging and vehicle driving range.
  • The Australian Government has not taken strong action to encourage zero emissions vehicle uptake.
  • Vehicle manufacturers are not prioritising Australia as a zero emissions vehicle market. This results in a cycle of repressed demand and constrained supply.
  • Countries with a lot of electric vehicles use different policies to overcome problems and provide regulatory certainty.
  • Making it cheaper to buy and charge zero emission vehicles and sending a clear market signals can boost zero emissions vehicle uptake.


  • Publish a statewide electric vehicle charging network strategy.
  • Monitor and review the effectiveness of financial incentives in encouraging early zero emission vehicle purchases.
  • Transition government and freight vehicles to zero emissions technologies.
  • Commit to no longer registering new petrol and diesel vehicles in Victoria from 2035 at the latest.
  • Support the development of a second-hand zero emissions vehicle market.
  • Support the integration of energy capture through solar panels and storage in batteries.
  • Build professional knowledge to instil zero emission workforce and commerce.

Supporting documents

Community panel report - Tackling Victoria's transport emissions

Engagement report


File format and size
Research report