Infrastructure can help pave the way to net zero

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The Victorian Government is seeking Infrastructure Victoria's advice on opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of government infrastructure.

The Victorian Government is seeking Infrastructure Victoria’s advice on opportunities to reduce the climate change impacts of future public infrastructure investments. The advice will consider how policies and guidelines can better account for the greenhouse gas emissions produced in the design, investment, construction, maintenance and end of life of Victoria’s infrastructure.

Up to 70% of Australia’s annual greenhouse gas emissions are directly or indirectly attributed to infrastructure over its lifecycle. Over the last few years, reducing emissions across public infrastructure has become a larger focus for state and national industry and government bodies. However, there are currently no clear state or national policies or consistent guidelines to avoid, reduce, account for, and manage emissions across public infrastructure. Infrastructure projects, including industry-led projects, must interpret current tools and frameworks in their own way to determine good practice.

In 2017, the Victorian Government was one of the first jurisdictions in the world to legislate a net zero emissions target by 2050. Between 2005 and 2020 the state’s total net emissions fell by 29.8%. There are still many opportunities to reduce emissions across all sectors, including infrastructure, to limit global temperate rises and reduce the harmful impacts of climate change.